The city as a cradle for human-scale innovation

Canadian Science Policy Centre Conference | November 2021 | Virtual panel 907

Municipalities are key agents of change in building a more resilient society and achieving sustainable development goals. To that end, they strive to integrate the innovations generated by scientific research, insofar as they are accessible and applicable on a territorial scale. How can we ensure that cutting-edge research conducted in the scientific community has a significant local impact? Can innovations be used to generate economic, social, and ecological benefits for citizens? This panel explored different formulas for integrating and co-constructing innovation in municipal territories. It also explored the complexity inherent in municipal governance and how this can translate into the establishment of sustainable relationships between the municipal sector and the research and innovation communities.

Organized by les Fonds de recherche du Québec and moderated by Marie-Christine Therrien, this panel gathered the following panelists:

Remi Quirion – Chief Scientist of Quebec and President of INGSA

Fabrice Berthereaux – Deputy General Manager, Société d’aménagement de la métropole Ouest Atlantique

Kate Fleming – Project Director, LC3 – Low Carbon Cities Canada, Federation of Canadian Municipalities

François William Croteau – Outgoing Mayor, Montréal’s Rosemont–La Petite-Patrie


Cities as solutions


Using science for municipal decision-making: challenges, linkages and opportunities